First steps to refactoring the code and giving it a clear structure.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
"""Machinery for compiling new versions of AppImages."""
"""machinery for compiling new versions of appimages."""
import urllib.request
import datetime
import re
from lxml import etree
import json
import loaih.solvers
from packaging.version import parse as parse_version
class Definitions(): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
"""Definitions for the module."""
@ -37,13 +35,74 @@ class Definitions(): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
class Version():
"""Represent the skeleton of each queried version."""
def __init__(self):
self.query = ''
self.version = ''
self.urls = {
'x86': '-',
'x86_64': '-'
def to_dict(self):
"""Returns a dictionary of versions."""
return {
'query': self.query,
'version': self.version,
'basedirurl': self.urls
def to_json(self):
"""Returns a json representation of the version."""
return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
def __str__(self):
return f"""query: {self.query}
version: {self.version}
x86: {self.urls['x86']}
x86_64: {self.urls['x86_64']}"""
class QueryError(Exception): pass
class Query():
"""Represents each query and helps determining the aspects of a version."""
def __init__(self, query: str, default_to_current = False):
self.text = query
self.type = ''
self.default_to_current = default_to_current
# Let's first determine which type of query we are doing.
if self.text in { 'current', 'yesterday', 'daily' }:
self.type = 'daily'
elif self.text in { 'still', 'fresh', 'prerelease' }:
self.type = 'named'
elif '.' in self.text:
self.type = 'exact_version'
except ValueError:
raise QueryError("The queried version does not exist.")
# Since the query is number only, let's let it leave with the
# number, but set the type to 'daily'
self.type = 'daily'
# call Base.parse_query to popolate the results
self.results = loaih.solvers.Solver.parse_query(self)
class Base():
"""Contains methods that might be useful outside class."""
# Class for static methods which might be useful even outside the build
# scripts.
def dailyurl(date =
def dailyurl(date =, default_current=False):
"""Returns the URL for the latest valid daily build."""
# As per other parts of the build, we need to maintain an URL also for
# x86 versions that it isn't really provided.
@ -66,18 +125,24 @@ class Base():
results = raw_page.xpath(
f"""//td/a[contains(text(), "{date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}")]/text()"""
if len(results) == 0:
# No results found, no version found, let's return a
return { 'x86': '-', 'x86_64': '-' }
if len(results) > 0:
# On the contrary, more than a version is found. let's order the
# list and get the latest item
return { 'x86': '-', 'x86_64': f"{daily_selector}{sorted(results)[-1]}" }
# No results found, no version found.
# But if default_current is true, redo the search with 'current'
if not default_current:
return { 'x86': '-', 'x86_64': '-' }
# default_current is true - redo all the queries for current
current_link = raw_page.xpath("//td/a[contains(text(), 'current']/text()")[0]
return {'x86': '-', 'x86_64': f"{daily_selector}{current_link}" }
def dailyver(date =
def dailyver(date =, force_current = False):
"""Returns versions present on the latest daily build."""
url = Base.dailyurl(date)['x86_64']
url = Base.dailyurl(date, force_current)['x86_64']
# If no daily releases has been provided yet, return empty
if url == '-':
return []
@ -88,34 +153,39 @@ class Base():
tarball = etree.HTML(fullpage).xpath(archive_path)#pylint: disable=c-extension-no-member
# This should have returned the main package for a version, but can
# have returned multiple ones, so let's treat it as a list
return [ x.split('_')[1] for x in tarball ]
tarball_versions = [ x.split('_')[1] for x in tarball ]
if len(tarball_versions) == 1:
return tarball_versions[0]
def namedver(query):
"""Gets the version for a specific named version."""
if 'current' in query:
# Should return the daily version with the current link
return Base.dailyver(, True)
if 'yesterday' in query:
return Base.dailyver( + datetime.timedelta(days=-1))
if query.startswith('daily'):
if '-' in query or '_' in query:
# Splitting the string
stringdate = re.sub(r'daily[-_:]', '', query)
print(f"Stringdate: {stringdate}")
print(f"strptime: {datetime.datetime.strptime(stringdate, '%Y%m%d')}")
return Base.dailyver(datetime.datetime.strptime(stringdate, "%Y%m%d"))
if 'daily' in query:
return Base.dailyver()
# In case the query isn't for daily
# If the name is convertible to integer, it means it is written as
# <year><month><date> and we ask for a daily build.
except ValueError:
# All other options - fresh, prerelease, still
return etree.HTML(#pylint: disable=c-extension-no-member
# Lets restart with integer version
return Base.dailyver(datetime.datetime.strptime(query, "%Y%m%d"))
def fullversion(version):
"""Get latest full version from Archive based on partial version."""
@ -165,34 +235,62 @@ class Base():
return retval
def collectedbuilds(query):
"""Creates a list of Builds based on each queried version found."""
retval = []
if '.' in query:
# Called with a numeric query. Pass it to RemoteBuild
elif '-' in query or '_' in query:
# daily but with date
# The date is the last part.
stringdate = re.split(r'[_-]', query)[-1]
querydate = datetime.datetime.strptime(stringdate, "%Y%m%d").date()
#def collectedbuilds(query, default_current=False):
# """Creates a list of Builds based on each queried version found."""
# retval = []
# if '.' in query:
# # Called with a numeric query. Pass it to RemoteBuild
# retval.append(RemoteBuild(query))
# else:
# try:
# int(query)
# except ValueError:
# # Named query
# named_version = Base.namedver(query)
# # named_version should be just one version anyway
# if isinstance(named_version, list) and len(named_version) > 1:
# for ver in named_version:
# if 'daily' in query:
dailyver = Base.dailyver(querydate)
# Named query
dailyver = Base.namedver(query)
# if 'daily' in query and specs == {}:
# # No daily build has been found.
# # Rerun the query but with 'current'
# named_version = Base.namedver('current')
if not dailyver:
# a is empty
return retval
# if specs != {}:
# if isinstance(specs, list) and len(specs) > 1:
# for spec in specs:
# remotebuild = RemoteBuild(query)
# if 'daily' in query:
# remotebuild.daily(spec)
# else:
# remotebuild.from_version(spec['version'])
if isinstance(dailyver, list) and len(dailyver) > 1:
retval.extend([ RemoteBuild(query, version) for version in dailyver ])
# retval.append(remotebuild)
return sorted(retval, key=lambda x: x.version)
# else:
# # Possibly single instance of dict
# remotebuild = RemoteBuild(query)
# remotebuild.from_version(specs['version'])
# retval.append(remotebuild)
# else:
# return retval
# # If the query is convertible in integer, we are still asking for a
# # daily build in a specific day
# specs = Base.dailyver(datetime.datetime.strptime(query, '%Y%m%d'))
# if isinstance(specs, list) and len(specs) > 1:
# for spec in specs:
# remotebuild = RemoteBuild('daily')
# remotebuild.daily(spec)
# retval.append(remotebuild)
# else:
# remotebuild = RemoteBuild('daily')
# remotebuild.daily(specs)
# retval.append(remotebuild)
# return sorted(retval, key=lambda x: x.version)
class RemoteBuild():
@ -201,9 +299,10 @@ class RemoteBuild():
def __init__(self, query, version = None):
"""Should simplify the single builded version."""
self.query = query
self.version = ''
self.version = version or ''
self.basedirurl = { 'x86': '-', 'x86_64': '-' }
def from_version(self, version):
if version and isinstance(version, str):
self.version = version
@ -241,16 +340,9 @@ class RemoteBuild():
self.basedirurl = Base.urlfromqueryandver(self.query, self.version)
def todict(self):
"""Returns a dictionary of versions."""
return {
'query': self.query,
'version': self.version,
'basedirurl': self.basedirurl
def daily(self, dailyspecs):
"""Builds a remote version starting from dailyver dictionary."""
self.version = dailyspecs['version']
self.basedirurl = dailyspecs['basedirurl']
def __str__(self):
return f"""query: {self.query}
version: {self.version}
x86: {self.basedirurl['x86']}
x86_64: {self.basedirurl['x86_64']}"""
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# encoding: utf-8
"""Helps with command line commands."""
import os
import os, sys
import json
import click
import yaml
@ -14,13 +14,12 @@ def cli():
"""Helps with command line commands."""
@click.option('-j', '--json', 'jsonout', default=False, is_flag=True,
help="Output format in json.")
@click.option('-j', '--json', 'jsonout', default=False, is_flag=True, help="Output format in json.")
def getversion(query, jsonout):
"""Get the numeral version from a named version."""
"""Get download information for named or numbered versions."""
batch = []
batchlist = []
queries = []
if ',' in query:
@ -28,59 +27,40 @@ def getversion(query, jsonout):
for singlequery in queries:
elem = loaih.RemoteBuild(singlequery)
if len(batch) > 0:
if len(batchlist) > 0:
if jsonout:
click.echo(json.dumps([x.todict() for x in batch]))
click.echo(json.dumps([x.todict() for x in batchlist]))
for value in batch:
for value in batchlist:
@click.option('-a', '--arch', 'arch', default='all',
type=click.Choice(['x86', 'x86_64', 'all'], case_sensitive=False),
help="Build the AppImage for a specific architecture. If there is no specific options, the process will build for both architectures (if available). Default: all")
@click.option('-c/-C', '--check/--no-check', 'check', default=True,
help="Check in the final storage if the queried version is existent. Default: check")
@click.option('-d', '--download-path', 'download_path',
default = '/var/tmp/downloads', type=str,
help="Path to the download folder. Default: /var/tmp/downloads")
@click.option('-l', '--language', 'language', default = 'basic', type=str,
help="Languages to be included. Options: basic, standard, full, a language string (e.g. 'it') or a list of languages comma separated (e.g.: 'en-US,en-GB,it'). Default: basic")
@click.option('-o/-O', '--offline-help/--no-offline-help', 'offline', default = False,
help="Include or not the offline help for the chosen languages. Default: no offline help")
@click.option('-p/-P', '--portable/--no-portable', 'portable', default = False,
help="Create a portable version of the AppImage or not. Default: no portable")
@click.option('-r', '--repo-path', 'repo_path', default = '/mnt/appimage',
type=str, help="Path to the final storage of the AppImage. Default: /mnt/appimage")
@click.option('-s/-S', '--sign/--no-sign', 'sign', default=True,
help="Wether to sign the build. Default: sign")
@click.option('-u/-U', '--updatable/--no-updatable', 'updatable', default = True,
help="Create an updatable version of the AppImage or not. Default: updatable")
def build(arch, language, offline, portable, updatable, download_path, repo_path, check, sign, query):
"""Builds an Appimage with the provided options."""
@click.option("--verbose", '-v', is_flag=True, default=False, help="Show building phases.", show_default=True)
def batch(yamlfile, verbose):
"""Builds a collection of AppImages based on YAML file."""
# Defaults for a batch building is definitely more different than a manual
# one. To reflect this behaviour, I decided to split the commands between
# batch (bulk creation) and build (manual building).
# Parsing options
arches = []
if arch.lower() == 'all':
# We need to build it twice.
arches = [ 'x86', 'x86_64' ]
arches = [ arch.lower() ]
# Check if yamlfile exists.
if not os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(yamlfile)):
click.echo(f"YAML file {yamlfile} does not exists or is unreadable.")
if query.endswith('.yml') or query.endswith('.yaml'):
# This is a buildfile. So we have to load the file and pass the build options ourselves.
config = {}
with open(query, 'r', encoding= 'utf-8') as file:
with open(os.path.abspath(yamlfile), 'r', encoding= 'utf-8') as file:
config = yaml.safe_load(file)
# With the config file, we ignore all the command line options and set
# generic default.
for cbuild in config['builds']:
# Loop a run for each build.
collection =['query'], arches)
collection =['query'])
for obj in collection:
# Configuration phase
@ -108,9 +88,7 @@ def build(arch, language, offline, portable, updatable, download_path, repo_path
# Build phase
if not 'force' in config['data'] or not config['data']['force']:
@ -121,7 +99,41 @@ def build(arch, language, offline, portable, updatable, download_path, repo_path
del obj
@click.option('-a', '--arch', 'arch', default='all',
type=click.Choice(['x86_64', 'x86', 'all'], case_sensitive=False),
help="Build the AppImage for a specific architecture. If there is no specific options, the process will build for both architectures (if available). Default: x86_64")
@click.option('--check', '-c', is_flag=True, default=False,
help="Check in the repository path if the queried version is existent. Default: do not check")
@click.option('-d', '--download-path', 'download_path',
default = '/var/tmp/downloads', type=str,
help="Path to the download folder. Default: /var/tmp/downloads")
@click.option('-l', '--language', 'language', default = 'basic', type=str,
help="Languages to be included. Options: basic, standard, full, a language string (e.g. 'it') or a list of languages comma separated (e.g.: 'en-US,en-GB,it'). Default: basic")
@click.option('-o/-O', '--offline-help/--no-offline-help', 'offline', default = False,
help="Include or not the offline help for the chosen languages. Default: no offline help")
@click.option('-p/-P', '--portable/--no-portable', 'portable', default = False,
help="Create a portable version of the AppImage or not. Default: no portable")
@click.option('-r', '--repo-path', 'repo_path', default = '/mnt/appimage',
type=str, help="Path to the final storage of the AppImage. Default: /mnt/appimage")
@click.option('-s/-S', '--sign/--no-sign', 'sign', default=True,
help="Wether to sign the build. Default: sign")
@click.option('-u/-U', '--updatable/--no-updatable', 'updatable', default = True,
help="Create an updatable version of the AppImage or not. Default: updatable")
def build(arch, language, offline, portable, updatable, download_path, repo_path, check, sign, query):
"""Builds an Appimage with the provided options."""
# Parsing options
arches = []
if arch.lower() == 'all':
# We need to build it twice.
arches = [ 'x86', 'x86_64' ]
arches = [ arch.lower() ]
collection =, arches)
for obj in collection:
# Configuration phase
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
"""Solvers for the queries."""
import datetime
import requests
from lxml import html
class Solver():
"""Helps solving the queries to collections of versions."""
def parse_query(query: Query):
"""Returns a list of versions for the query."""
retval = []
if query.type == 'daily':
solver = DailySolver(query.text)
elif query.type == 'named':
solver = NamedSolver(query.text)
solver = NumberedSolver(query.text)
return retval
class DailySolver():
def __init__(self, query, default_to_current = False):
self.query = query
self.default_to_current = default_to_current
self.version = ''
self.url = ''
def __get_url__(self):
"""Get daily urls based on query."""
# The base URL for daily releases is already determined. Let's define
# the definitive one.
if self.query != 'current':
baseurl = requests.get(Definitions.DAILY)
pageobj = html.fromstring(baseurl.content)
xpath_string = "//td/a[starts-with(text(), 'Linux-rpm_deb-x86') and contains(text(), 'TDF/')]/text()"
tinderbox_segment = str(pageobj.xpath(xpath_string)[-1])
baseurl= f"{Definitions.DAILY}{tinderbox_segment}"
# Reiterate now to search for the dated version
base_page = requests.get(baseurl)
baseobj = html.fromstring(base_page.content)
daily_set = baseobj.xpath("//td/a/text()")
searchdate =
if self.query == 'yesterday':
searchdate = searchdate + datetime.timedelta(days=-1)
searchdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(self.query, '%Y%m%d')
search_results = [ x for x in daily_set if searchdate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') in x ][-1]
if len(search_results) < 1:
# Searched date do not exist. if default_to_current is set,
# let's re-run the solver with 'current' query.
if self.default_to_current:
current = DailySolver('current')
current.query = self.query
self.url = current.url
# We'll presume there will be just one result anyways.
self.url = f"{baseurl}{search_results[-1]}"
# Current.
current_page = requests.get(f"{Definitions.DAILY}current.html")
current_obj = html.fromstring(current_page.content)
xpath_string = "//td/a[contains(@href, 'Linux-rpm_deb-x86') and contains(@href, 'TDF/') and contains(@href, 'deb.tar')]/@href"
current_link = str(current_obj.xpath(xpath_string)[-1])
split_link = str(current_link).split('/')
return '/'.join(split_link[1:-1]) + '/'
def __get_version__(self):
page = requests.get(self.baseurl)
obj = html.fromstring(page.content)
xpath_string = "//td/a[contains(text(), '_deb.tar.gz')]/text()"
link = str(obj.xpath(xpath_string)[-1])
self.version = link.split('/')[-1].split('_')[1]
def to_version(self):
version = Version()
version.query = self.query
version.version = self.version
version.urls['x86_64'] = self.url
return version
Reference in New Issue