Tentative fix to include package dependencies.

This commit is contained in:
emiliano.vavassori 2024-08-23 11:38:58 +02:00
parent 3428c9fb53
commit 50e019262a
1 changed files with 133 additions and 74 deletions

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@ -91,11 +91,22 @@ class Build():
"""Calculate exclusions and other variables."""
if self.verbose:
print("--- Preliminary system checks ---")
print("--- Preliminary Phase ---")
if isinstance(shutil.which('apt'), str):
# APT is found in path. We assume we can find dependencies.
self.check_dependencies = True
if self.verbose:
print("Updating system packages cache.")
# Updating package cache
subprocess.run(['sudo', 'apt', 'update'], check=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
if self.verbose:
print("Ensuring apt-file is installed and updated.")
# Updating apt-file cache
subprocess.run(['sudo', 'apt', 'install', 'apt-file', '-y'], check=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
subprocess.run(['sudo', 'apt-file', 'update'], check=True, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
print("CAUTION: your system seems not to include a working version of apt.\nThis will cause the AppImage to leverage system libraries when run.")
self.check_dependencies = False
@ -237,12 +248,12 @@ class Build():
def build(self):
"""Building all the versions."""
if self.verbose:
print("--- Building Phase ---")
if self.found:
if self.verbose:
print("--- Building Phase ---")
# Preparation tasks
self.appnamedir = os.path.join(self.builddir, self.appname)
os.makedirs(self.appnamedir, exist_ok=True)
@ -256,6 +267,13 @@ class Build():
# Build the requested version.
if self.check_dependencies:
if self.verbose:
print("Searching for dependent libraries, it might take a while.")
def checksums(self):
@ -505,6 +523,7 @@ class Build():
f"tar xzf {self.download_path}/{archive}"), check=True)
def __prepare_contents__(self):
# create appimagedir
if self.verbose:
print("---- Preparing the build ----")
@ -512,6 +531,9 @@ class Build():
os.makedirs(self.appimagedir, exist_ok = True)
# At this point, let's decompress the deb packages
if self.verbose:
print("Unpacking main archives")
r"find .. -iname '*.deb' -exec dpkg -x {} . \;"
), cwd=self.appimagedir, check=True)
@ -524,6 +546,9 @@ class Build():
), cwd=self.appimagedir, check=True)
# Changing desktop file
if self.verbose:
print("Preparing .desktop file.")
r"find . -iname startcenter.desktop -exec cp {} . \;"
), cwd=self.appimagedir, check=True)
@ -533,6 +558,8 @@ class Build():
), cwd=self.appimagedir, check=False)
if self.verbose:
print("Preparing icon file.")
r"find . -name '*startcenter.png' -path '*hicolor*48x48*' " +
r"-exec cp {} . \;"
@ -542,62 +569,10 @@ class Build():
cmd = subprocess.run(shlex.split(
r"find -iname soffice.bin -print"
), cwd=self.appimagedir, check = True, capture_output=True)
main_executable = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
self.main_executable = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
# If the system permits it, we leverage lddcollect
# to find the packages that contain .so dependencies in the main build.
if self.check_dependencies:
if self.verbose:
print("Checking for dependent libraries")
import lddcollect
# We first process the ELF
raw = lddcollect.process_elf(main_executable, verbose = False, dpkg = True)
# If all works as expected, we obtain a tuple of:
# (debian_packages, all_libraries, files_not_found)
(debian_packages, all_libraries, not_found) = raw
if len(debian_packages) != 0:
# We need, first, to download those packages.
debs = [ x.split(':')[0] for x in debian_packages ]
downloadpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.builddir, 'dependencies'))
if self.verbose:
print("Downloading missing dependencies, please wait.")
# Updating package cache
subprocess.run(['sudo', 'apt', 'update'], check=True)
# Updating apt-file cache
subprocess.run(['sudo', 'apt-file', 'update'], check=True)
# Let's try to find and install also other libraries
additional = list(dict.fromkeys([ libfinderhelper(x) for x in not_found ]))
# We download the missing dependencies leveraging apt
r"apt download " + " ".join(debs)
), cwd=downloadpath, check=True)
# then we install them inside a temporary path
temporary = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(downloadpath, 'temp'))
r"find " + downloadpath + r" -iname \*.deb -exec dpkg -x {} " + temporary + r" \;"
), cwd=self.builddir, check=True)
# We are finally copying the .so files in the same path as main_executable
libdirs = [ 'lib/x86_64-linux-gnu', 'usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' ]
for libdir in libdirs:
fulllibdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(temporary, libdir))
f"cp -Ra {fulllibdir}/. {os.path.dirname(main_executable)}/"
), cwd=temporary, check=True)
# Find the name of the binary called in the desktop file.
binaryname = ''
with open(
@ -609,10 +584,10 @@ class Build():
binaryname = line.split('=')[-1].split(' ')[0]
# Esci al primo match
#binary_exec = subprocess.run(shlex.split(r"awk 'BEGIN { FS = \"=\" } /^Exec/ { print $2; exit }' startcenter.desktop | awk '{ print $1 }'"), cwd=self.appimagedir, text=True, encoding='utf-8')
#binaryname = binary_exec.stdout.strip("\n")
# Creating a soft link so the executable in the desktop file is present
bindir=os.path.join(self.appimagedir, 'usr', 'bin')
os.makedirs(bindir, exist_ok = True)
@ -621,29 +596,93 @@ class Build():
r"-exec ln -sf {} ./%s \;" % binaryname
), cwd=bindir, check=True)
def __missing_dependencies__(self):
"""Finds and copy in the appimagedir any missing libraries."""
# If the system permits it, we leverage lddcollect
# to find the packages that contain .so dependencies in the main build.
import lddcollect
# We first process the ELF
raw = lddcollect.process_elf(self.main_executable, verbose = False, dpkg = True)
# If all works as expected, we obtain a tuple of:
# (debian_packages, all_libraries, files_not_found)
(debian_packages, all_libraries, not_found) = raw
if len(debian_packages) != 0:
# Creating temporary folders
debs = [ x.split(':')[0] for x in debian_packages ]
downloadpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.builddir, 'dependencies'))
if self.verbose:
print("Downloading missing dependencies, please wait.")
# Let's try to find and install also other libraries
additional = list(dict.fromkeys([ Helpers.lib_to_deb(x) for x in not_found ]))
# It seems the download command does not download dependencies of
# the packages.
if self.verbose:
print("Constructing the dependency tree.")
for deb in debian_packages:
# Re-cleaning up the dependency tree
debs = list(dict.fromkeys(debs))
# We download the missing dependencies leveraging apt
r"apt download " + " ".join(debs)
), cwd=downloadpath, check=True)
# then we install them inside a temporary path
temporary = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(downloadpath, 'temp'))
r"find " + downloadpath + r" -iname \*.deb -exec dpkg -x {} " + temporary + r" \;"
), cwd=self.builddir, check=True)
# We are finally copying the .so files in the same path as main_executable
libdirs = [ 'lib/x86_64-linux-gnu', 'usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu' ]
for libdir in libdirs:
fulllibdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(temporary, libdir))
f"cp -Ra {fulllibdir}/. {os.path.dirname(self.main_executable)}/"
), cwd=temporary, check=True)
if self.debug:
with open(os.path.abspath(os.builddir, 'dependencies.lst'), 'w', encoding="utf-8") as deplist:
def __finalize_build__(self):
if self.verbose:
print("Finalizing build...")
# Cleaning up AppDir
cleanup_dirs = [ 'etc', 'lib', 'lib64', 'usr/lib', 'usr/local' ]
for local in cleanup_dirs:
shutil.rmtree(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.appimagedir, local)), ignore_errors=True)
# Download AppRun from github
apprunurl = r"https://github.com/AppImage/AppImageKit/releases/"
apprunurl += f"download/continuous/AppRun-{self.arch}"
dest = os.path.join(self.appimagedir, 'AppRun')
self.__download__(apprunurl, dest)
os.chmod(dest, 0o755)
# Dealing with extra options
buildopts = []
if self.sign:
# adding zsync build if updatable
if self.updatable:
buildopts.append(f"-u 'zsync|{self.zsyncfilename}'")
buildopts_str = str.join(' ', buildopts)
# Build the number-specific build
if self.verbose:
print("---- Start building ----")
@ -658,17 +697,17 @@ class Build():
), env={ "VERSION": self.appversion }, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL,
stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, check=True)
if self.verbose:
print(f"Built AppImage version {self.appversion}")
# Cleanup phase, before new run.
for deb in glob.glob(self.appnamedir + '/*.deb'):
r"find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec rm -rf {} \+"
), check=True)
self.built = True
def __del__(self):
@ -678,11 +717,31 @@ class Build():
def libfinderhelper(libraryname):
"""Uses system tools to identify the missing package."""
class Helpers:
libsearch = subprocess.run(shlex.split(
f"sudo apt-file find -lx {libraryname}$"
), check=True, capture_output=True)
candidate = [ x for x in libsearch.stdout.decode('utf-8').split('\n') if 'lib' in x ][0]
return candidate
def deb_dependencies(package_name):
"""Returns the array of the dependencies of that package."""
# First pass: find dependency of that package in raw output
pass1 = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(
f"apt-cache depends --recurse --no-recommends --no-suggests --no-conflicts --no-breaks --no-replaces --no-enhances --no-pre-depends {package_name}"
), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
# Second pass: only grep interesting lines.
pass2 = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(
r"grep '^\w'"
), stdin=pass1.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, encoding='utf-8')
stdout, stderr = pass2.communicate()
return stdout.strip().split("\n")
def lib_to_deb(libraryname):
"""Uses system tools to identify the missing package."""
libsearch = subprocess.run(shlex.split(
f"sudo apt-file find -lx {libraryname}$"
), check=True, capture_output=True)
candidate = [ x for x in libsearch.stdout.decode('utf-8').split('\n') if 'lib' in x ][0]
return candidate