Corretta determinazione storage in cui spostare le build.

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Emiliano Vavassori 2022-03-22 02:04:25 +01:00
parent 66bcd2b39c
commit 181940b365
1 changed files with 4 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -46,9 +46,10 @@ class Build(object):
def check(self, storage_path):
"""Checking if the requested AppImage has been already built."""
self.storage_path = storage_path
self.storage_path += ('/daily' if self.query == 'daily' else '')
self.storage_path += ('/prerelease' if self.query == 'prerelease' else '')
self.storage_path = storage_path + ('/portable' if self.portable else '')
self.storage_path += ('/portable' if self.portable else '')
# Incompatibilities - if portable and updatable are asked together,
# only portable will be built.
if self.portable and self.updatable:
@ -201,9 +202,8 @@ class Build(object):
# for the daily build, updatable builds work if the latest one
# provide updates.
if self.query == 'daily':
zsync = self.appname + self.version.split('-')[0] + self.languagepart + ('.help' if self.offline_help else '') + '-' + arch + '.AppImage.zsync'
zsync = self.appimagefilename[arch] + '.zsync'
appversion = 'daily'
zsync = self.appimagefilename[arch] + '.zsync'"VERSION={version} ./appimagetool -u 'zsync|{zsync}' -v ./{appname}.AppDir/".format(version = appversion, zsync = zsync, appname = self.appname), shell=True)