Revised and tested getversion flow. Revised but not tested the build flows.
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,38 +4,46 @@
import datetime
import json
import loaih.solvers
import requests
from lxml import html
from packaging.version import parse as parse_version
class Definitions(): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
"""Definitions for the module."""
# Constants
DAILY = ""
DAILY = ""
'still': {
'xpath': '(//span[@class="dl_version_number"])[last()]/text()'
'fresh': {
'xpath': '(//span[@class="dl_version_number"])[1]/text()'
'prerelease': {
'xpath': '//p[@class="lead_libre"][last()]/following-sibling::ul[last()]/li/a/text()'
'daily': {
'xpath': '//td/a'
'still': {
'xpath': '(//span[@class="dl_version_number"])[last()]/text()'
'fresh': {
'xpath': '(//span[@class="dl_version_number"])[1]/text()'
'prerelease': {
'xpath': '//p[@class="lead_libre"][last()]/following-sibling::ul[last()]/li/a/text()'
'daily': {
'xpath': '//td/a'
# Generic functions
def match_xpath(url: str, xpath: str):
"""Uses a couple of extensions to get results over webpage."""
resource = requests.get(url, timeout=10)
parsed = html.fromstring(resource.content)
return parsed.xpath(xpath)
# Classes
class Version():
"""Represent the skeleton of each queried version."""
@ -65,284 +73,151 @@ version: {self.version}
x86: {self.urls['x86']}
x86_64: {self.urls['x86_64']}"""
class QueryError(Exception): pass
class QueryError(Exception):
"""Standard exception for errors regarding queries."""
class Query():
"""Represents each query and helps determining the aspects of a version."""
def __init__(self, query: str, default_to_current = False):
self.text = query
self.type = ''
class Solver():
"""Generic solver to call others."""
def __init__(self, text: str, default_to_current = False):
self.text = text
self.version = None
self.default_to_current = default_to_current
self.baseurl = ARCHIVE
# Let's first determine which type of query we are doing.
def solve(self):
"""Splits the query text possibilities, calling all the rest of the solvers."""
solver = self
if self.text in { 'current', 'yesterday', 'daily' }:
self.type = 'daily'
solver = DailySolver(self.text, self.default_to_current)
elif self.text in { 'still', 'fresh', 'prerelease' }:
self.type = 'named'
solver = NamedSolver(self.text)
elif '.' in self.text:
self.type = 'exact_version'
solver = NumberedSolver(self.text)
solver = DailySolver(self.text, self.default_to_current)
except ValueError:
raise QueryError("The queried version does not exist.")
# Since the query is number only, let's let it leave with the
# number, but set the type to 'daily'
self.type = 'daily'
self.version = solver.solve()
self.baseurl = solver.baseurl
return self.version
# call Base.parse_query to popolate the results
self.results = loaih.solvers.Solver.parse_query(self)
class Base():
"""Contains methods that might be useful outside class."""
# Class for static methods which might be useful even outside the build
# scripts.
def dailyurl(date =, default_current=False):
"""Returns the URL for the latest valid daily build."""
# As per other parts of the build, we need to maintain an URL also for
# x86 versions that it isn't really provided.
# As such, the return value must be a dictionary
# Fixing daily selector
# As seen, the number of the tinderbox building the daily version can
# change. We try to fulfill the void by adding a step.
tinderboxpage = etree.HTML(#pylint: disable=c-extension-no-member
urllib.request.urlopen(Definitions.DAILY).read() #pylint: disable=consider-using-with
xpath = "//td/a[starts-with(text(), 'Linux-rpm_deb-x86') and contains(text(), 'TDF/')]/text()" #pylint: disable=line-too-long
tburl = str(tinderboxpage.xpath(xpath)[0])
daily_selector = f"{Definitions.DAILY}{tburl}"
# Get the anchor for today's builds
raw_page = etree.HTML(urllib.request.urlopen(daily_selector).read())# pylint: disable=c-extension-no-member,consider-using-with
results = raw_page.xpath(
f"""//td/a[contains(text(), "{date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}")]/text()"""
if len(results) > 0:
# On the contrary, more than a version is found. let's order the
# list and get the latest item
return { 'x86': '-', 'x86_64': f"{daily_selector}{sorted(results)[-1]}" }
# No results found, no version found.
# But if default_current is true, redo the search with 'current'
if not default_current:
return { 'x86': '-', 'x86_64': '-' }
# default_current is true - redo all the queries for current
current_link = raw_page.xpath("//td/a[contains(text(), 'current']/text()")[0]
return {'x86': '-', 'x86_64': f"{daily_selector}{current_link}" }
def dailyver(date =, force_current = False):
"""Returns versions present on the latest daily build."""
url = Base.dailyurl(date, force_current)['x86_64']
# If no daily releases has been provided yet, return empty
if url == '-':
return []
# Rerun the page parsing, this time to find out the versions built
fullpage = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read() #pylint: disable=consider-using-with
archive_path = "//td/a[contains(text(), '_deb.tar.gz')]/text()"
tarball = etree.HTML(fullpage).xpath(archive_path)#pylint: disable=c-extension-no-member
# This should have returned the main package for a version, but can
# have returned multiple ones, so let's treat it as a list
tarball_versions = [ x.split('_')[1] for x in tarball ]
if len(tarball_versions) == 1:
return tarball_versions[0]
def namedver(query):
"""Gets the version for a specific named version."""
if 'current' in query:
# Should return the daily version with the current link
return Base.dailyver(, True)
if 'yesterday' in query:
return Base.dailyver( + datetime.timedelta(days=-1))
if 'daily' in query:
return Base.dailyver()
# If the name is convertible to integer, it means it is written as
# <year><month><date> and we ask for a daily build.
except ValueError:
# All other options - fresh, prerelease, still
return etree.HTML(#pylint: disable=c-extension-no-member
# Lets restart with integer version
return Base.dailyver(datetime.datetime.strptime(query, "%Y%m%d"))
def fullversion(version):
"""Get latest full version from Archive based on partial version."""
versionlist = etree.HTML(urllib.request.urlopen(Definitions.ARCHIVE).read()).xpath(f"//td/a[starts-with(text(), '{version}')]/text()")
if versionlist:
cleanlist = sorted([ x.strip('/') for x in versionlist ])
# Sorting, then returning the last version
return cleanlist[-1]
return None
def urlfromqueryandver(query, version):
"""Returns the fetching URL based on the queried version and the numeric version of it."""
# This has the purpose to simplify and explain how the releases are
# layed out.
# If the query tells about daily or 'yesterday' (for testing purposes),
# we might ignore versions and return the value coming from dailyurl:
if query == 'daily':
return Base.dailyurl()
if query == 'yesterday':
date = + datetime.timedelta(days=-1)
return Base.dailyurl(date)
# All other versions will be taken from Archive, as such we need a full
# version.
# If the version has only 2 points in it (or splits into three parts by '.'), that's not a full version and we will call the getlatestver() function
fullversion = str(version)
if len(fullversion.split('.')) <= 3:
fullversion = str(Base.fullversion(version))
# So the final URL is the Archive one, plus the full versions, plus a
# final '/deb/' - and an arch subfolder
baseurl = Definitions.ARCHIVE + fullversion + '/deb/'
retval = {}
# x86 binaries are not anymore offered after 6.3.0.
if parse_version(fullversion) < parse_version('6.3.0'):
retval['x86'] = baseurl + 'x86/'
retval['x86'] = '-'
retval['x86_64'] = baseurl + 'x86_64/'
def to_version(self):
retval = Version()
retval.query = self.text
retval.version = self.version
retval.urls['x86_64'] = self.baseurl
return retval
#def collectedbuilds(query, default_current=False):
# """Creates a list of Builds based on each queried version found."""
# retval = []
# if '.' in query:
# # Called with a numeric query. Pass it to RemoteBuild
# retval.append(RemoteBuild(query))
# else:
# try:
# int(query)
# except ValueError:
# # Named query
# named_version = Base.namedver(query)
# # named_version should be just one version anyway
# if isinstance(named_version, list) and len(named_version) > 1:
# for ver in named_version:
# if 'daily' in query:
def parse(text: str, default_to_current = False):
"""Calling the same as solver class."""
retval = Solver(text, default_to_current)
return retval.to_version()
# if 'daily' in query and specs == {}:
# # No daily build has been found.
# # Rerun the query but with 'current'
# named_version = Base.namedver('current')
class DailySolver(Solver):
"""Specific solver to daily queries."""
# if specs != {}:
# if isinstance(specs, list) and len(specs) > 1:
# for spec in specs:
# remotebuild = RemoteBuild(query)
# if 'daily' in query:
# remotebuild.daily(spec)
# else:
# remotebuild.from_version(spec['version'])
def __init__(self, text: str, default_to_current = False):
super().__init__(text, default_to_current)
self.baseurl = DAILY
# retval.append(remotebuild)
def solve(self):
"""Get daily urls based on query."""
x = "//td/a[starts-with(text(),'Linux-rpm_deb-x86') and contains(text(),'TDF/')]/text()"
tinderbox_segment = match_xpath(self.baseurl, x)[-1]
self.baseurl = self.baseurl + tinderbox_segment
# else:
# # Possibly single instance of dict
# remotebuild = RemoteBuild(query)
# remotebuild.from_version(specs['version'])
# retval.append(remotebuild)
# else:
# return retval
# Reiterate now to search for the dated version
xpath_query = "//td/a/text()"
daily_set = match_xpath(self.baseurl, xpath_query)
# # If the query is convertible in integer, we are still asking for a
# # daily build in a specific day
# specs = Base.dailyver(datetime.datetime.strptime(query, '%Y%m%d'))
# if isinstance(specs, list) and len(specs) > 1:
# for spec in specs:
# remotebuild = RemoteBuild('daily')
# remotebuild.daily(spec)
# retval.append(remotebuild)
# else:
# remotebuild = RemoteBuild('daily')
# remotebuild.daily(specs)
# retval.append(remotebuild)
matching = ''
today =
matching = datetime.datetime.strptime(self.text, "%Y%m%d").strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
except ValueError:
# All textual version
if self.text == 'current':
matching = 'current'
elif self.text == 'daily':
matching = today.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
elif self.text == 'yesterday':
matching = (today + datetime.timedelta(days=-1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
# return sorted(retval, key=lambda x: x.version)
class RemoteBuild():
"""Builds a version with checking remotely if it was not already built."""
def __init__(self, query, version = None):
"""Should simplify the single builded version."""
self.query = query
self.version = version or ''
self.basedirurl = { 'x86': '-', 'x86_64': '-' }
def from_version(self, version):
if version and isinstance(version, str):
self.version = version
if not '.' in self.query:
# Named version.
# Let's check if a specific version was requested.
if self.version == '':
# In case it was not requested, we will carry on the generic
# namedver() query.
# If the results are more than one, we'll take the latest
# (since we are requested to provide a single build).
a_version = Base.namedver(self.query)
if isinstance(a_version, list):
# if the number of versions is zero, return and exit
if not a_version:
self.version = None
if len(a_version) == 1:
# version is a single one.
self.version = a_version[0]
# In this case, we will select the latest release.
self.version = sorted(a_version)[-1]
# If the version has already a version, as requested by user,
# continue using that version
results = sorted([ x for x in daily_set if matching in x ])
if len(results) == 0:
# No daily versions found.
if self.default_to_current:
solver = DailySolver('current')
self.version = solver.version
self.baseurl = solver.baseurl
# In case of numbered queries, put it as initial version
self.version = self.query
self.baseurl = self.baseurl + results[-1]
if len(str(self.version).split('.')) < 4:
# If not 4 dotted, let's search for the 4 dotted version
self.version = Base.fullversion(self.version)
xpath_string = "//td/a[contains(text(), '_deb.tar.gz')]/text()"
links = match_xpath(self.baseurl, xpath_string)
if len(links) > 0:
link = str(links[-1])
self.version = link.rsplit('/', maxsplit=1)[-1].split('_')[1]
self.basedirurl = Base.urlfromqueryandver(self.query, self.version)
def daily(self, dailyspecs):
"""Builds a remote version starting from dailyver dictionary."""
self.version = dailyspecs['version']
self.basedirurl = dailyspecs['basedirurl']
return self.version
class NamedSolver(Solver):
"""Solves the query knowing that the input is a named query."""
def __init__(self, text: str):
self.baseurl = SELECTORS[self.text]['URL']
self.generalver = ''
def solve(self):
"""Get versions from query."""
xpath_query = SELECTORS[self.text]['xpath']
results = sorted(match_xpath(self.baseurl, xpath_query))
if len(results) > 0:
self.generalver = str(results[-1])
result: str = self.generalver
xpath_string = f"//td/a[starts-with(text(),'{result}')]/text()"
archived_versions = sorted(match_xpath(ARCHIVE, xpath_string))
if len(archived_versions) == 0:
return self.version
# Return just the last versions
fullversion: str = str(archived_versions[-1])
self.baseurl = ARCHIVE + fullversion + 'deb/x86_64/'
self.version = fullversion.rstrip('/')
return self.version
class NumberedSolver(Solver):
"""Specific solver for numbered versions."""
def __init__(self, text: str):
def solve(self):
xpath_string = f"//td/a[starts-with(text(),'{self.text}')]/text()"
versions = sorted(match_xpath(self.baseurl, xpath_string))
if len(versions) == 0:
# It is possible that in the ARCHIVE there's no such version (might be a prerelease)
return self.version
version = str(versions[-1])
self.baseurl = self.baseurl + version + 'deb/x86_64/'
self.version = version.rstrip('/')
return self.version
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import shutil
import re
import shlex
import tempfile
import urllib.error
import urllib.request
import hashlib
from lxml import etree
@ -20,11 +21,14 @@ class Collection(list):
def __init__(self, query, arch = ['x86', 'x86_64']):
"""Build a list of version to check/build for this round."""
Build(query, arch, version) for version in loaih.Base.collectedbuilds(query)
class Build(loaih.RemoteBuild):
version = loaih.Solver.parse(query)
# If a version is not buildable, discard it now!
arch = [ x for x in arch if version.urls[x] != '-' ]
self.extend([ Build(version, ar) for ar in arch ])
class Build():
"""Builds a single version."""
LANGSTD = [ 'ar', 'de', 'en-GB', 'es', 'fr', 'it', 'ja', 'ko', 'pt',
@ -32,16 +36,22 @@ class Build(loaih.RemoteBuild):
LANGBASIC = [ 'en-GB' ]
ARCHSTD = [ 'x86', 'x86_64' ]
def __init__(self, query, arch, version = None):
super().__init__(query, version)
def __init__(self, version: loaih.Version, arch):
self.version = version
self.tidy_folder = True
self.verbose = True
self.arch = arch
self.short_version = str.join('.', self.version.split('.')[0:2])
self.short_version = str.join('.', self.version.version.split('.')[0:2])
self.branch_version = None
if not '.' in self.query:
self.branch_version = self.query
self.url = self.basedirurl
if not '.' in self.version.query:
self.branch_version = self.version.query
numeric = re.match(r'^[0-9]{8}$', self.version.query)
if numeric or self.version.query in { 'yesterday', 'current' }:
self.branch_version = 'daily'
self.url = self.version.urls[arch]
# Other default values
# Other default values - for structured builds
# Most likely will be overridden by cli
self.language = 'basic'
self.offline_help = False
self.portable = False
@ -81,19 +91,22 @@ class Build(loaih.RemoteBuild):
def calculate(self):
"""Calculate exclusions and other variables."""
print("--- Calculate Phase ---")
if self.verbose:
print("--- Calculate Phase ---")
# let's check here if we are on a remote repo or local.
if self.storage_path.startswith("http"):
# Final repository is remote
self.repo_type = 'remote'
print("Repo is remote.")
if self.verbose:
print("Repo is remote.")
self.repo_type = 'local'
print("Repo is local.")
if self.verbose:
print("Repo is local.")
# AppName
if self.query in { 'prerelease', 'daily' }:
if self.branch_version in { 'prerelease', 'daily' }:
self.appname = 'LibreOfficeDev'
# Calculating languagepart
@ -126,14 +139,15 @@ class Build(loaih.RemoteBuild):
def __calculate_full_path__(self):
"""Calculate relative path of the build, based on internal other variables."""
if len(self.relative_path) == 0:
if self.query == 'daily':
elif self.query == 'prerelease':
if self.tidy_folder:
if self.branch_version == 'daily':
elif self.query == 'prerelease':
# Not the same check, an additional one
if self.portable:
# Not the same check, an additional one
if self.portable:
# Fullpath might be intended two ways:
if self.repo_type == 'remote':
@ -156,13 +170,15 @@ class Build(loaih.RemoteBuild):
def check(self):
"""Checking if the requested AppImage has been already built."""
print("--- Check Phase ---")
if self.verbose:
print("--- Check Phase ---")
if len(self.appimagefilename) != 2:
for arch in self.arch:
print(f"Searching for {self.appimagefilename[arch]}")
if self.verbose:
print(f"Searching for {self.appimagefilename[arch]}")
# First, check if by metadata the repo is remote or not.
if self.repo_type == 'remote':
# Remote storage. I have to query a remote site to know if it
@ -202,36 +218,33 @@ class Build(loaih.RemoteBuild):
self.built[arch] = True
if self.built[arch]:
print(f"Found requested AppImage: {self.appimagefilename[arch]}.")
if self.verbose:
print(f"Found requested AppImage: {self.appimagefilename[arch]}.")
def download(self):
"""Downloads the contents of the URL as it was a folder."""
print("--- Download Phase ---")
print(f"Started downloads for {self.version}. Please wait.")
if self.verbose:
print("--- Download Phase ---")
print(f"Started downloads for {self.version}. Please wait.")
for arch in self.arch:
# Checking if a valid path has been provided
if self.url[arch] == '-':
print(f"Cannot build for arch {arch}. Continuing with other arches.")
if self.verbose:
print(f"Cannot build for arch {arch}. Continuing with other arches.")
# Faking already built it so to skip other checks.
self.built[arch] = True
if self.built[arch]:
print(f"A build for {arch} was already found. Skipping specific packages.")
if self.verbose:
print(f"A build for {arch} was already found. Skipping specific packages.")
# Identifying downloads
contents = []
with urllib.request.urlopen(self.url[arch]) as url:
contents = etree.HTML("//td/a")
self.tarballs[arch] = [ x.text
for x in contents
if x.text.endswith('tar.gz') and 'deb' in x.text
contents = loaih.match_xpath(self.url[arch], "//td/a/text()")
self.tarballs[arch] = [ x for x in contents if x.endswith('tar.gz') and 'deb' in x ]
tarballs = self.tarballs[arch]
# Create and change directory to the download location
@ -241,7 +254,7 @@ class Build(loaih.RemoteBuild):
# If the archive is already there, do not do anything.
# If it is a daily build or a pre-release, due to filename
# clashes, redownload the whole build.
if os.path.exists(archive) and self.query not in { 'daily', 'prerelease' }:
if os.path.exists(archive) and self.version.query not in { 'daily', 'prerelease' }:
# Download the archive
@ -250,12 +263,14 @@ class Build(loaih.RemoteBuild):
except Exception as error:
print(f"Failed to download {archive}: {error}.")
print(f"Finished downloads for {self.version}.")
if self.verbose:
print(f"Finished downloads for {self.version}.")
def build(self):
"""Building all the versions."""
print("--- Building Phase ---")
if self.verbose:
print("--- Building Phase ---")
for arch in self.arch:
if self.built[arch]:
@ -388,12 +403,20 @@ class Build(loaih.RemoteBuild):
buildopts_str = str.join(' ', buildopts)
# Build the number-specific build
f"{self.appnamedir}/appimagetool {buildopts_str} -v " +
), env={ "VERSION": self.appversion }, check=True)
if self.verbose:
f"{self.appnamedir}/appimagetool {buildopts_str} -v " +
), env={ "VERSION": self.appversion }, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, check=True)
f"{self.appnamedir}/appimagetool {buildopts_str} -v " +
), env={ "VERSION": self.appversion }, check=True)
print(f"Built AppImage version {self.appversion}")
if self.verbose:
print(f"Built AppImage version {self.appversion}")
# Cleanup phase, before new run.
for deb in glob.glob(self.appnamedir + '/*.deb'):
@ -406,8 +429,9 @@ class Build(loaih.RemoteBuild):
def checksums(self):
"""Create checksums of the built versions."""
# Skip checksum if initally the build was already found in the storage directory
print("--- Checksum Phase ---")
if self.verbose:
print("--- Checksum Phase ---")
if all(self.built[arch] for arch in self.arch):
@ -448,7 +472,8 @@ class Build(loaih.RemoteBuild):
def publish(self):
"""Moves built versions to definitive storage."""
print("--- Publish Phase ---")
if self.verbose:
print("--- Publish Phase ---")
if all(self.built[arch] for arch in self.arch):
# All files are already present in the full_path
@ -461,11 +486,19 @@ class Build(loaih.RemoteBuild):
# Build destination directory
remotepath = self.remote_path.rstrip('/') + self.full_path
r"rsync -rlIvz --munge-links *.AppImage* " +
cwd=self.appnamedir, shell=True, check=True
if self.verbose:
r"rsync -rlIvz --munge-links *.AppImage* " +
cwd=self.appnamedir, shell=True, check=True
r"rsync -rlIvz --munge-links *.AppImage* " +
cwd=self.appnamedir, shell=True, check=True,
stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL
@ -482,14 +515,15 @@ class Build(loaih.RemoteBuild):
def generalize_and_link(self, chdir = 'default'):
"""Creates the needed generalized files if needed."""
print("--- Generalize and Link Phase ---")
if self.verbose:
print("--- Generalize and Link Phase ---")
# If called with a pointed version, no generalize and link necessary.
if not self.branch_version:
# If a prerelease or a daily version, either.
if self.query in { 'daily', 'prerelease' }:
if self.version.query in { 'daily', 'prerelease' }:
if chdir == 'default':
@ -519,7 +553,8 @@ class Build(loaih.RemoteBuild):
zsyncfilename[arch] = appimagefilename[arch] + '.zsync'
# Create the symlink
print(f"Creating {appimagefilename[arch]} and checksums.")
if self.verbose:
print(f"Creating {appimagefilename[arch]} and checksums.")
if os.path.exists(appimagefilename[arch]):
os.symlink(self.appimagefilename[arch], appimagefilename[arch])
@ -529,7 +564,8 @@ class Build(loaih.RemoteBuild):
if not self.updatable:
print(f"Creating zsync file for version {version}.")
if self.verbose:
print(f"Creating zsync file for version {version}.")
if os.path.exists(zsyncfilename[arch]):
shutil.copyfile(self.zsyncfilename[arch], zsyncfilename[arch])
@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
# encoding: utf-8
"""Helps with command line commands."""
import os, sys
import os
import sys
import json
import click
import yaml
@ -15,8 +16,9 @@ def cli():
@click.option('-j', '--json', 'jsonout', default=False, is_flag=True, help="Output format in json.")
@click.option('--default-to-current', '-d', is_flag=True, default=False, help="If no versions are found, default to current one (for daily builds). Default: do not default to current.")
def getversion(query, jsonout):
def getversion(query, jsonout, default_to_current):
"""Get download information for named or numbered versions."""
batchlist = []
@ -27,12 +29,13 @@ def getversion(query, jsonout):
for singlequery in queries:
elem = loaih.RemoteBuild(singlequery)
elem = loaih.Solver.parse(singlequery, default_to_current)
if elem.version not in { None, "" }:
if len(batchlist) > 0:
if jsonout:
click.echo(json.dumps([x.todict() for x in batchlist]))
click.echo(json.dumps([x.to_dict() for x in batchlist ]))
for value in batchlist:
@ -64,6 +67,7 @@ def batch(yamlfile, verbose):
for obj in collection:
# Configuration phase
obj.verbose = verbose
obj.language = cbuild['language']
obj.offline_help = cbuild['offline_help']
obj.portable = cbuild['portable']
@ -101,30 +105,29 @@ def batch(yamlfile, verbose):
@click.option('-a', '--arch', 'arch', default='all',
type=click.Choice(['x86_64', 'x86', 'all'], case_sensitive=False),
help="Build the AppImage for a specific architecture. If there is no specific options, the process will build for both architectures (if available). Default: x86_64")
@click.option('-a', '--arch', 'arch', default='x86_64',
type=click.Choice(['x86', 'x86_64', 'all'], case_sensitive=False), help="Build the AppImage for a specific architecture. If there is no specific options, the process will build for both architectures (if available). Default: x86_64")
@click.option('--check', '-c', is_flag=True, default=False,
help="Check in the repository path if the queried version is existent. Default: do not check")
@click.option('-d', '--download-path', 'download_path',
default = '/var/tmp/downloads', type=str,
help="Path to the download folder. Default: /var/tmp/downloads")
@click.option('-l', '--language', 'language', default = 'basic', type=str,
help="Languages to be included. Options: basic, standard, full, a language string (e.g. 'it') or a list of languages comma separated (e.g.: 'en-US,en-GB,it'). Default: basic")
@click.option('-o/-O', '--offline-help/--no-offline-help', 'offline', default = False,
help="Include or not the offline help for the chosen languages. Default: no offline help")
help="Checks in the repository path if the queried version is existent. Default: do not check")
@click.option('-d', '--download-path', 'download_path', default = '/var/tmp/downloads', type=str, help="Path to the download folder. Default: /var/tmp/downloads")
@click.option('-l', '--language', 'language', default = 'basic', type=str, help="Languages to be included. Options: basic, standard, full, a language string (e.g. 'it') or a list of languages comma separated (e.g.: 'en-US,en-GB,it'). Default: basic")
@click.option('-o/-O', '--offline-help/--no-offline-help', 'offline', default = False, help="Include or not the offline help for the chosen languages. Default: no offline help")
@click.option('-p/-P', '--portable/--no-portable', 'portable', default = False,
help="Create a portable version of the AppImage or not. Default: no portable")
@click.option('-r', '--repo-path', 'repo_path', default = '/mnt/appimage',
type=str, help="Path to the final storage of the AppImage. Default: /mnt/appimage")
@click.option('-s/-S', '--sign/--no-sign', 'sign', default=True,
help="Wether to sign the build. Default: sign")
@click.option('-u/-U', '--updatable/--no-updatable', 'updatable', default = True,
help="Create an updatable version of the AppImage or not. Default: updatable")
@click.option('-r', '--repo-path', 'repo_path', default = '.', type=str, help="Path to the final storage of the AppImage. Default: current directory")
@click.option('-s/-S', '--sign/--no-sign', 'sign', default=True, help="Wether to sign the build. Default: sign")
@click.option('-u/-U', '--updatable/--no-updatable', 'updatable', default = True, help="Create an updatable version of the AppImage or not. Default: updatable")
def build(arch, language, offline, portable, updatable, download_path, repo_path, check, sign, query):
"""Builds an Appimage with the provided options."""
# Multiple query support
queries = []
if ',' in query:
# Parsing options
arches = []
if arch.lower() == 'all':
@ -133,31 +136,32 @@ def build(arch, language, offline, portable, updatable, download_path, repo_path
arches = [ arch.lower() ]
for q in queries:
collection =, arches)
for appbuild in collection:
# Configuration phase
appbuild.tidy_folder = False
appbuild.language = language
appbuild.offline_help = offline
appbuild.portable = portable
appbuild.updatable = updatable
if repo_path == '.':
repo_path = os.getcwd()
appbuild.storage_path = repo_path
appbuild.download_path = download_path
collection =, arches)
for obj in collection:
# Configuration phase
obj.language = language
obj.offline_help = offline
obj.portable = portable
obj.updatable = updatable
if repo_path == '.':
repo_path = os.getcwd()
obj.storage_path = repo_path
obj.download_path = download_path
if sign:
appbuild.sign = True
if sign:
obj.sign = True
# Running phase
# Running phase
if check:
if check:
del obj
del appbuild
@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
"""Solvers for the queries."""
import datetime
import requests
from lxml import html
class Solver():
"""Helps solving the queries to collections of versions."""
def parse_query(query: Query):
"""Returns a list of versions for the query."""
retval = []
if query.type == 'daily':
solver = DailySolver(query.text)
elif query.type == 'named':
solver = NamedSolver(query.text)
solver = NumberedSolver(query.text)
return retval
class DailySolver():
def __init__(self, query, default_to_current = False):
self.query = query
self.default_to_current = default_to_current
self.version = ''
self.url = ''
def __get_url__(self):
"""Get daily urls based on query."""
# The base URL for daily releases is already determined. Let's define
# the definitive one.
if self.query != 'current':
baseurl = requests.get(Definitions.DAILY)
pageobj = html.fromstring(baseurl.content)
xpath_string = "//td/a[starts-with(text(), 'Linux-rpm_deb-x86') and contains(text(), 'TDF/')]/text()"
tinderbox_segment = str(pageobj.xpath(xpath_string)[-1])
baseurl= f"{Definitions.DAILY}{tinderbox_segment}"
# Reiterate now to search for the dated version
base_page = requests.get(baseurl)
baseobj = html.fromstring(base_page.content)
daily_set = baseobj.xpath("//td/a/text()")
searchdate =
if self.query == 'yesterday':
searchdate = searchdate + datetime.timedelta(days=-1)
searchdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(self.query, '%Y%m%d')
search_results = [ x for x in daily_set if searchdate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') in x ][-1]
if len(search_results) < 1:
# Searched date do not exist. if default_to_current is set,
# let's re-run the solver with 'current' query.
if self.default_to_current:
current = DailySolver('current')
current.query = self.query
self.url = current.url
# We'll presume there will be just one result anyways.
self.url = f"{baseurl}{search_results[-1]}"
# Current.
current_page = requests.get(f"{Definitions.DAILY}current.html")
current_obj = html.fromstring(current_page.content)
xpath_string = "//td/a[contains(@href, 'Linux-rpm_deb-x86') and contains(@href, 'TDF/') and contains(@href, 'deb.tar')]/@href"
current_link = str(current_obj.xpath(xpath_string)[-1])
split_link = str(current_link).split('/')
return '/'.join(split_link[1:-1]) + '/'
def __get_version__(self):
page = requests.get(self.baseurl)
obj = html.fromstring(page.content)
xpath_string = "//td/a[contains(text(), '_deb.tar.gz')]/text()"
link = str(obj.xpath(xpath_string)[-1])
self.version = link.split('/')[-1].split('_')[1]
def to_version(self):
version = Version()
version.query = self.query
version.version = self.version
version.urls['x86_64'] = self.url
return version
Reference in New Issue