![screenshot](screenshot.png) # Blue Penguin for pelican A simple theme for pelican. Solarized pygments. Feeds support. ## Settings ```python # all the following settings are *optional* # HTML metadata SITEDESCRIPTION = '' # all defaults to True. DISPLAY_HEADER = True DISPLAY_FOOTER = True DISPLAY_HOME = True DISPLAY_MENU = True # provided as examples, they make ‘clean’ urls. used by MENU_INTERNAL_PAGES. TAGS_URL = 'tags' TAGS_SAVE_AS = 'tags/index.html' AUTHORS_URL = 'authors' AUTHORS_SAVE_AS = 'authors/index.html' CATEGORIES_URL = 'categories' CATEGORIES_SAVE_AS = 'categories/index.html' ARCHIVES_URL = 'archives' ARCHIVES_SAVE_AS = 'archives/index.html' # use those if you want pelican standard pages to appear in your menu MENU_INTERNAL_PAGES = ( ('Tags', TAGS_URL, TAGS_SAVE_AS), ('Authors', AUTHORS_URL, AUTHORS_SAVE_AS), ('Categories', CATEGORIES_URL, CATEGORIES_SAVE_AS), ('Archives', ARCHIVES_URL, ARCHIVES_SAVE_AS), ) # additional menu items MENUITEMS = ( ('GitHub', 'https://github.com/'), ('Linux Kernel', 'https://www.kernel.org/'), ) # example pagination pattern PAGINATION_PATTERNS = ( (1, '{url}', '{save_as}'), (2, '{base_name}/page/{number}/', '{base_name}/page/{number}/index.html'), ) ``` ## How to contribute Contributions are very welcome. Keep in mind that this theme goal is to be minimalistic/simple. Contributions will be accepted through Github Pull Requests. If you don’t have a Github account you can suggest me your changes by email. ## Contributors See [CONTRIBUTORS.md](CONTRIBUTORS.md). ## License Public domain.