{% macro ephemeral_nav_link(what, where, selected=False) -%}
  • {{what}}
  • {%- endmacro -%} {% block head %} {% block title %}{{ SITENAME }}{% endblock title %} {# favicon #} {% if FEED_ALL_ATOM %} {% endif %} {% if FEED_ALL_RSS %} {% endif %} {% if FEED_ATOM %} {% endif %} {% if FEED_RSS %} {% endif %} {% if CATEGORY_FEED_ATOM and category %} {% endif %} {% if CATEGORY_FEED_RSS and category %} {% endif %} {% if TAG_FEED_ATOM and tag %} {% endif %} {% if TAG_FEED_RSS and tag %} {% endif %} {% endblock head %} {% if DISPLAY_HEADER or DISPLAY_HEADER is not defined %}
    {% if DISPLAY_MENU or DISPLAY_MENU is not defined %} {% endif %}

    {{ SITENAME }}

    {% if SITESUBTITLE %}


    {% endif %}
    {% endif %}
    {%- block content -%}{%- endblock %}

    I contenuti del sito sono tutti rilasciati con licenza CC BY 3.0
    Creative Commons BY Logo

    {% include 'analytics.html' %}